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Produtos Internacionais Da Maior Qualidade

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Sleep GummiesSleep Gummies
Complete Cannabinoid CBD SoftgelsComplete Cannabinoid CBD Softgels
CBD SalveCBD Salve
CBD Oil Vanilla
CBD Oil Natural
CBD Oil Citrus
CBD Oil Berry
CBD Cream
Anytime Gummies
  • Sleep Gummies

    12.5mg CBD/Gummy |Contagem 60INGREDIENTES: Destilado CBDde amplo espectro (12.5mg),L-Theanine (25mg), 5-HTP(5mg), melatonina (2.5mg),Ashwagandha (2.5mg), GABA(2.5mg)
  • Complete Cannabinoid CBD Softgels

    Softgel sem sabor à base deplantas. Precisamente dosadoem 15mg por goma 3.75mg porcanabinóide INGREDIENTES: Óleo de semente decânhamo virgem orgânico, extratode cânhamo totalmente espectro,extrato de raiz de mandioca, águapurificada, glicerina vegetal
  • CBG Oil

    Nosso inovador 2400mg, Full Spectrum CBGOil é cabeça e ombros acima de outrosprodutos canabinoides no mercado.Colocamos a fasquia alta, oferecendo umaproporção de 1:1 de CBD (canabidiol) paraCBG (canabigerol). Na verdade, nossafórmula é considerada o padrão ouro parasuplementos canabinoides. 2400...
  • CBD Salve

    1000mg CBD, 1oz / 3000mgCBD, 2.5ozINGREDIENTES: Óleo de JojobaDourado Orgânico, Cera deAbelha Orgânica, Cristais deMentol, Óleo de CinnamomumCamphora, Extrato Destiladode Espectro Completo, Óleode Alecrim Orgânico, Óleo deGengibre, Óleo de Lavanda,Óleo de Eucalipto, ÓleoOrgânico de Hortelã-Piment...
  • CBD Oil Vanilla

    High-quality CBD Oil is a quick and easy addition to your regimen. Choose from an award-winning selection of full spectrum hemp extract flavors, including citrus, mint, natural, berry, and vanilla. Our CBD Oil is crafted from the finest organic industrial hemp plants while keeping the naturally o...
  • CBD Oil Natural

    High-quality CBD Oil is a quick and easy addition to your regimen. Choose from an award-winning selection of full spectrum hemp extract flavors, including citrus, mint, natural, berry, and vanilla. Our CBD Oil is crafted from the finest organic industrial hemp plants while keeping the naturally o...
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  • CBD Oil Berry

    High-quality CBD Oil is a quick and easy addition to your regimen. Choose from an award-winning selection of full spectrum hemp extract flavors, including citrus, mint, natural, berry, and vanilla. Our CBD Oil is crafted from the finest organic industrial hemp plants while keeping the naturally o...
  • CBD Oil

    High-quality CBD Oil is a quick and easy addition to your regimen. Choose from an award-winning selection of full spectrum hemp extract flavors, including citrus, mint, natural, berry, and vanilla. Our CBD Oil is crafted from the finest organic industrial hemp plants while keeping the naturally o...
  • CBD Cream

    INGREDIENTES: Óleo CBD, Extrato deFolha de Aloe Vera, Água Destilada,Manteiga de Cacau, Óleo de Coco,Azeite de Oliva, Álcool Cetearílico,Polissorbato 60, Optiphen Plus, Óleode Cânhamo Extraído de CO2,Camomila, Vitamina E, Ácido Cítrico,Sorbato de Potássio, Canela, ÓleoEssencial de Laranja Sanguín...
  • Anytime Gummies

    Vegano, à base de plantas, sem glúten,não transgênico, sem corantes ouaromatizantes artificiais.Alívio Relaxamento25mg CBD/Gummy | 30 contagemINGREDIENTES: Açúcar de cana orgânico, xaropede tapioca orgânico, concentrado de suco deuva orgânico, pectina, ácido cítrico, ácidoascórbico, corantes adic...


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